20 amazing facts about our vaginas we bet you didn't know

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About 5 to 10 percent of women report never having reached sexual climax. Use the hashtag TheExperimentPodcast, or write to us at theexperiment theatlantic. Fact-check by Stef Hayes. Sound design by David Herman. Additional music by Brian C. After a beat, birds chirp, sheep bleat, and a flute-led symphony builds as if emerging into some idyllic, sun-dappled pasture in the middle of the forest.

After I'm thirsty, I drink. When I feel like saying something, I about it. Children always understand. They allow open minds.

Citizen Share The vagina is a self-cleaning organ The vagina produces its accept protective substances to get rid of unwanted fluids and bacteria. In actuality, many feminine hygiene products can essentially do more harm than good, unbalancing the natural pH of your vagina and increasing the risk of anger. The safest way to stay fresh? Leave your vagina to clean itself. The result? Not just a blast of euphoria, but something that be able to act like a painkiller and anaesthetize discomfort. The South Illinois School of Medicine did a study of 52 female migraine suffers inand found so as to 16 of them experienced significant ache relief after orgasming, while it cured eight of their ailment altogether.