What to do when kids say “no one will play with me”

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Toddlers vary in how social they are. Some are naturally more sociable and can manage more playmates, whereas others are more comfortable with fewer playmates. They might even start asking for playdates. You can help your toddler start learning and practising these skills by spending time playing together. Through play, you can show your child how to be a good friend and play well with others. Model sharing. When your child has played with you like this for a while, you could ask your child to share some of their playdough.

Pinch-hit as a playmate. If a adolescent is lonely, offer to play. Decide something both of you enjoy, akin to doing a puzzle or going arrange a hike. Try to get others, like friends and family, to pinch-hit as playmates too. Quick tip 2 Go to a busy playground. Attempt to a busy playground.

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