The 7 Marks of Maturity

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The issue of spiritual maturity seems to provoke one of the super strange conversations in the North American and Western church today. The fact that this may not sound bizarre to you is, in itself, evidence of how bizarre this has gotten. There is apparently a certain subset of Christian who have maturity figured out, and the rest of us, well, not so much. In fact, at least five of the common claims we make about having spiritual maturity actually show you lack it. Not a chance. Discipleship is an organic, life-long process.

But you don't know what you're aiming for, how do you plan en route for get there? Mature and responsible ancestor set clear goals. Goal setting allows you to target your energy after that focus on activities that will advantage push you towards what you absence to achieve. Learning how to be in charge of your actions and your emotions is a sign of maturity. When you let your emotions control your actions, things can get out of hand quickly. Learning to analyze and administer your behavior can be challenging, although transformative. Maturity is a marathon, not a sprint. To become mature after that responsible takes commitment and persistence.

At the same time as far as I can tell, the most important components of maturity are:. A colleague disputed a more ancient version of 3. The most apparent generalization is that maturity increases along with age. Further conjectures:. Higher-IQ people almost certainly tend to be a little add mature, but primarily because they achieve higher on 2.

T oday, we have a guest blogger, Dr. Tim Elmore, who shares along with us the 7 marks of adulthood. I hope these characteristics challenge you as much as they have challenged me. This is a list of what I consider to be the marks of maturity. Which of these 7 characteristics do you display? Individual key signal of maturity is the ability to delay gratification. As ancestor mature, sooner or later they absorb that nothing is as good at the same time as it seems and nothing is at the same time as bad as it seems. Mature ancestor can receive compliments or criticism devoid of letting it ruin them or allocate them a distorted view of themselves. They are secure in their character.