Who Let the Dogs Out

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It opened up this flood of everyone sharing stories. That was a light-bulb moment. We realized, Oh, this is what this show is. At the end of the first season, a boy treats both girls to a brief, above-the-clothes trip to second base inside a storage closet during a school dance.

The best line of defense against the Delta vac- — the virus is the vaccine. The vaccine. In actuality, according to one recent study, 95 percent of overall COVID hospitalizations are among those not fully vaccinated. After that the data shows that virtually altogether the cases, hospitalizations, and deaths anticipate to COVID are from the unvaccinated population. Last month, a study showed that over 99 percent of COVID deaths have among — have been among the unvaccinated people.

Distinctively, I wanted to understand why accordingly many people keep coming for Olivia Rodrigo, an year-old singer songwriter whose debut album Sour is one of the biggest hits of the day. But then something strange started happening: a lot of people started chat about similarities between Sour and act from other, older artists. Courtney Adoration got mad about the cover ability. People have said she ripped bad Elvis Costello, although Elvis Costello disagreed. A lot of people made comparisons to the band Paramore. And after that, Olivia started handing out writing credits. Charlie and I listened to a bunch of songs that were the subject of legal action, and talked through it. Here we go. This transcript has been lightly edited designed for clarity.

New but up 655738

Image: Cryptokitties. You might be wondering: can you repeat that? is an NFT, anyhow? After accurate hours of reading, I think I know. What does NFT stand for? Non-fungible token. Right, sorry.