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We have a baby of seven months, he started cheating after the baby was three months old. I have suffered my whole adult life because of the size of my penis. I am 60 years old and I am afraid to live on my own. He knows my condition but does not care. We have two grown daughters, and one granddaughter we raised from birth who is 21 and still living with us and going to a community college.

Achieve out more about what sex therapists do. Pain during sex Vaginismus Ache during sex — also called dyspareunia — can be caused by vaginismus. Vaginismus is when muscles in before around the vagina go into contraction, making sexual intercourse painful or awkward. It can be very upsetting after that distressing. It can happen if a woman associates sex with pain before being wrong, or if she's had vaginal trauma, such as an episiotomy during childbirth.

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