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Wellness What happens to your brain when you binge-watch a TV series Is catching up on This is Us on your weekend to-do list? Here's what you need to know. A Netflix survey found that 73 percent of participants reported positive feelings associated with binge-watching. Cut to midnight and you've crushed half a season — and find yourself tempted to stay up to watch just one more episode, even though you know you'll be paying for it at work the next morning. It happens to the best of us. What a time to be alive, right? According to a survey done by the U.

Around are ways to overcome it. You might avoid deep relationships or air anxious about social situations for reasons that are unclear. Do you cut off yourself from other people? Have at a low level self-esteem?

After that if we're being honest here, there's also a good chance you allow some investment in the identity of being a perfectionist because of the positive connotations of the word perfect—who doesn't want to be perfect? It's important to educate yourself about can you repeat that? constitutes perfectionism and why it's seen as a negative thing. You be able to decide how much you want en route for work at shrugging off these traits and learn strategies to accomplish your goal. Click below to listen at once. Being a perfectionist makes it add challenging to meet the goal of being perfect, or even of reaching a personal best. Perfectionists are a lot like high achievers , although with some key differences. The next are ten telltale traits of perfectionists, that you may be able en route for spot in yourself or in the people you know.