Men Always Make the Exact Same Comment to Me After Sex

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We include products we think are useful for our readers. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Is it? When it comes to the vagina, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions.

These changes include her monthly menstrual cycles and then the loss of those cycles as she reaches menopause. After a woman is in her childbearing years, her hormones will fluctuate by different points in her cycle. At the same time as a woman begins the first calendar day of her period, hormone levels of estrogen and progesterone are low. At the same time as the cycle progress, she moves early towards ovulation and hormone levels advance. The increased levels of estrogen after that progesterone may make the vagina air more lubricated and elastic during this time. After ovulation, hormones drop all over again, and the vagina may feel a lesser amount of flexible and drier, leading to a perception of tightness. During menopause, estrogen levels drop and vaginal tissue thins.

But you buy through links on this page, we may earn a diminutive commission. The notion that a vagina can be too loose — after that the so-called reasons why a person might be loose — go approach back and, TBH, are all abuse. A lack of sex ed , jealousy and insecurity , and conceivably a sprinkling of misogyny has hold in reserve this harmful — not to allusion completely inaccurate — theory alive. In history, reference to a loose vagina has been used as a way en route for shame people for their sex lives. A vagina is a muscular channel, and its tissue is elastic. Akin to super elastic and able to acclimatize things coming in, like a penis or a monster dildo , before coming out, like a baby. Akin to other elastic tissue in your amount, the vagina can stretch when it needs to, and then it bounces back. Take your mouth, for case.