25 Tips to Enjoy Anal Sex From Someone Who Loves It

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Women's Health may earn commission from the links on this page, but we only feature products we believe in. Why trust us? Butts have taken on an entirely new status thanks, social media! Thing is, anal sex can oftentimes become the preferred method for women who don't have vaginas, for those for whom vaginal penetration is especially painful, and for women who simply experience more pleasure that way, Clarke says. For some women, it's the cherry on top of a sexual sundae: a little extra treat that elevates something that was already delicious on its own talking about sex here. If you're curious enough to find out, don't let misinformation keep you from safely exploring anal sex.

Photograph by Jakob Owens on Unsplash I am a twenty-four year old female. Growing up in a conservative Muslim family, I was taught that anal sex was sinful and completely ban, even in the context of marriage ceremony. In my mind, this blanket ban gave the idea of anal association a special erotic appeal. Once I reached adulthood and rejected the constraints of my religious upbringing, I became interested in actively exploring this air of my sexuality. For so elongate, it had been forbidden fruit.