48 Daring Dirty Blonde Hair Styles For A Sexy New Look

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New to light hair but don't want to go too extreme? Trying to darken your hair a little to save on cash and color damage? This just might be the perfect color family for you. Despite the lackluster name, Buck says this not-light-enough-to-be-blonde, and not-dark-enough-to-be-brunette color has become so popular over the years. Choosing a Shade: Dirty blonde tends to have a bunch of different colors and tones mixed together. Buck says she keeps her dirty blondes at a level 7 and 8. Maintenance Level: Low to medium. Buck says dirty blonde is much easier to maintain than a platinum blonde.

We may earn commission from links arrange this page, but we only advise products we back. Why trust us? Mar 7, Getty Images Dirty fair-haired hair — also referred to at the same time as dishwater blonde — doesn't get at the same time as much attention as platinum, honeyor strawberry shades these days. But if you've been blessed with naturally dark fair-haired strands, consider yourself lucky. There are so many different ways to bring up to date your hair color without overhauling your entire look. Getty Images 3 of 15 Deep Dirty Blonde It's almost certainly just a coincidence that Jessica Alba starred in a movie called Darling and is a honey-colored hair emblem, but it sure is serendipitous. Designed for this look, her hair starts absent brown at the roots and fades into sun-kissed dirty blonde. Getty Images 4 of 15 Reddish Dirty Fair-haired Rachel McAdams almost veers into strawberry territory here, but the thin highlights near the front of her bobble keep the look firmly dirty fair-haired. Getty Images 6 of 15 Chubby Dirty Blonde Thick blonde highlights bring out Sarah Jessica Parker's high cheekbones, although a darker base gives her color lots of depth.

Source: sheffpavelstylist via Instagram In case you were wondering what is a cloudy blonde color, here are some examples of some of the prettiest shades to give you inspiration. This block in of dirty blonde is perfect but you want a natural blonde beard look with a bit of a deep undertone. The dark brown basis and soft blonde hues that assortment into darker platinum that is a minute ago stunning. And it looks especially appealing on long wavy hair. To adapt, blow dry your hair with a round brush and flip out the ends as you dry for sexy beachy waves. Flip your head advantage down at first to add add body if you want maximum abundance. If you need more waves, abuse a large barrelled curling wand en route for make loose and carefree waves so as to will make you have that sexy, windblown look. If you want en route for go for a look that embodies various shades of blonde, this appealing blend of blonde balayage hues is absolutely breathtaking.