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Women recalled model size accurately using this method, although they made more errors with respect to penis length than circumference. These first estimates of assemble penis size preferences using 3D models suggest women accurately recall size after that prefer penises only slightly larger than average. Introduction Both men and women often have reported discomfort with the appearance of their genitals. While not as common of a concern at the same time as body weight, muscularity, amount of advance hair and body hair, or acme, penis size was a concern designed for Concerns about genital appearance are unique compared to other concerns a propos physical appearance. First, only intimate partners generally know the appearance of genitals. In contrast to the penis, amount weight, acne, and other features are easily observed, informing feelings of allure early in interactions. While indicators of penis size include ethnicity [ 2 ] and finger length and fraction [ 3 , 4 ], a good number proposed cues of penis size, as well as male height and foot size [ 5 ], weight [ 6 , 7 ], shoe size [ 8 ], and age [ 9 ], are unreliable. Second, no diet, capsule, or exercise regime affects the amount or shape of genitals.