Women who have anal sex: Pleasure or pressure? Implications for HIV prevention

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Try out PMC Labs and tell us what you think. Learn More. Anal intercourse is a highly efficient mode of HIV transmission. Nevertheless, there is evidence to suggest that anal intercourse is also widely practiced by women in the US 1 — 4.

After was the last time a above-board woman complained to you about cishet men? As a bisexual cis ashen woman, I have one foot all the rage and one foot out of this heteropatriarchal bog. My first and a good number significant relationship was queer. After so as to relationship ended and I started dating men, I felt surprised and accountable at how comforting these scripted interactions were.

How do college women decide whether en route for have sex on a hookup? The study from which we drew these interviews was focused on unwanted sex—everything from sex that students consented en route for but felt ambivalent about, to femininity involving physical coercion. Our interest all the rage this blog post is what we learned from women whose experiences were not physically coercive, but were even so difficult because of their awareness of their vulnerability to these three labels. Participants were recruited by a broadcast survey in two introductory sociology courses and by recruitment flyers placed about campus. The screening survey asked questions to ascertain if the person had experienced unwanted sex. Interviews were conducted in person with 44 women after that lasted between 45 minutes and 2 hours.