Falling in love after a one-night stand is actually more common than we think

Passionate one night 375911

The purpose of this post is not to bring out the moral or judgemental police, nor is it about wanting to ignite a conversation that further dilutes something I personally think we can do a lot better at understanding and not judging. I want to provide for you, everything that I wish was said to me about one night stands. I think one night stands are very confusing, unnecessarily judged, and extremely contradictory. Regardless, both are not constructive.

Our product picks are editor-tested, expert-approved. We may earn a commission through acquaintance on our site. Everyone has had their share of awkward and awkward hook-ups, and it can be careful to bond over those weird nights. But sometimes we get so focused on when things go wrong, we forget to remember the encounters so as to are awesome. The great thing a propos a one night stand is how it just exists in that individual time. You feel free to be subject to the moment, knowing no future appointment will ever taint it.

You want sex. She wants sex. Begin passionate no-commitment sexytimes. Finish passionate no-commitment sexytimes. Wash face. Thanks for the memories, you! But in practice, there's no such thing as a charming one-night stand. Awkwardness is unavoidable.

But you buy through links on this page, we may earn a diminutive commission. Read our affiliate disclosure. You never planned to sleep with him. It just…happened. You were out.

We may earn commission from links arrange this page, but we only advise products we love. In this week's Sex Talk RealnessCosmopolitan. How old are you? Man A: Twenty-three. Man B: Twenty-two. How old were you after you had your first one-night stand?